Yes you can to the Camino doing just Alburgues. However we choose for us the second time around we wanted the comfort and privacy of our own room. Was it more expensive? Sometimes yes, but then sometimes it ran about the same as two beds would have. That is the beauty of going with another person, being able to share the cost. Also it was nice to know we had a place to stay each night. There was no race for a bed, fingers crossed for us. The trick is knowing how much you can really walk in a day. Who knows next time we might just wing it and see where we stay.
So here is a run down of the rooms:
Camino Part 1
One our first Camino we only pre booked Orrison. We knew it filled up fast and we decided we would break up the first day. So glad we did. The other places we just walked in and asked for beds or rooms. We did the bunk bed thing the first two nights and the last two were private rooms.
Roncevalles at the Monastery-
Roncevalles at the Monastery-
Valcarlos- a little place on the main road
St Jean
Camino Part 2
I pre booked the rooms for the trip. When looking online it looked like places were filling up and I didn't want us to be with out a room. We did however end up changing out our last two nights a bit, when we stopped in Lorca and were able to get a room there on the spur of the moment.
St Jean Pied de Port- La Villa Esponda
Zubiri- El Palo de Avellano- This one you book directly.
Pamplona- Alojamientos Room Pamplona
Zubiri- El Palo de Avellano- This one you book directly.
Pamplona- Alojamientos Room Pamplona
Puerto la Renia- Albergue Jakue
Lorca- Albergue La Bodega de Camino ( this one we just picked on the spur of the moment)
Iratxe- Camping Iratxe Ciudad de Vacaciones
Biartiz-Premiere Classe Biarritz very budget hotel
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