The body runs on fuel we get from our food. To get the most out of our bodies we need to feed it well. Both in training and on the Camino. Which i know is not the easiest thing to do. I am not advocating any crazy diets but more just eating healthy foods that provide us with what we need. Good carbs, proteins and fats. They are the gas and oil in our tanks. That and the all important water and hydration.
Let me say a bit on hydration here. Staying hydrated is so important. It seems like such an easy thing to do as well. Just drink water while you walk. Simple. Yet I have read many stories of people getting dehydrated on the Camino. In fact I had it happen to me as well. I knew I need to drink and I thought I was drinking, yet it still happened. I must say I was sort of surprised I got dehydrated on the second day out. While training I always had my water and drank it before, during and after the walks. So there I was walking the camino and sipping my water as I went. Ahhh.....there was the problem, I was sipping and not just drinking water. I think in my head I was afraid to run out of water. Even though we had plenty of water with us and knew there was places to get water on the way. Also the coffee and the wine does not help with hydration. I would say to make sure you drink, and I mean drink a lot of water. Especially the first few days. I think traveling also dehydrates one, so if you can keep hydrated you will be better off.
Not saying stay away from the coffee and wine. Just saying to remember to drink water before and after your coffee and wine!
Now that we have fueled ourselves properly and are well hydrated, what other ways can we be good to our bodies? Massage could be one way. I do enjoy a good massage. I originally used to get them for stress relief. However I have found that the more I walk the massages help to relieve the tightness of my muscles.
Other ideas might be as simple as a long hot bath. Once again helping to relieve the stress put on the muscles while walk and training. Helping you and your body relax. Add a little aromatherapy if you wish to enhance the bath.
Pedicures and feet massage are another way as well. I would suggest though if you do pedicures close to the time of the camino make sure they do not remove any of the callouses you have built up while training. I have found you can have strong, tough skin and yet keep them moisturized and they still feel soft. Yes it may take a lot of cream to get them there, but it can be done.
I guess really it is all about being good to your body. To make the extra effort to make sure your body will be able to do whats being asked to do. Being aware of your body and knowing what it need to relax after a hard day training or walking. Rewarding yourself in good ways that do not undermine what you are trying to accomplish.
Just a quick note on weight management. There is so much talk on Camino sites about the weight of the pack you carry. I would like to say if you are carrying extra weight on your body this would be a good time to try to shed some of that as well. I have struggled with my weigh for a long time. It is an on going battle. So I know what it is like. My first Camino trip I was heavy, and I guess it was a good think I didn't have my pack because I did struggled up the hills. This past year I work diligently on getting more fit. I am happy to say that this time around when I weighed my pack and myself I was 10 pounds lighter than the pervious year. I still have a long way to go but I will get there. So for every gram of weight you worry about in your pack, just ask your self if you could shed a few on your body. Your knees and hips will thank you!
Refueling your body while on the Camino. What I will say on this is simply you will burn anywhere for 1500 to 2000 calories a day walking for 6 hours or so. Your body will need to refuel. This is the time its okay to eat the pastas, the bread and paellas being offered. You will need to eat to keep your strength and energy. Make sure to get your protein as well. Its nice chicken and fish are offered most evenings. Once again from what I saw on the Camino it was good wholesome food. Not processed.
So good for your body food.
In closing I guess I just want to say take care of your body and it will take you places you dream to go. Neglect it and it wont be there when you need it. Treat yourself to a treat now and then whether its a hot bath or a massage at the spa.
Happy Training! Buen Camino!
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