Morning five was no different. We hadn't set an alarm and our room with the shutters closed kept out the morning light. So for us the sounds of pilgrims was our alarm clock. We packed up and headed out. We noticed a vending machine on the outside of the alburge that had coffee and other drinks.
We sat on the bench and had coffee and breakfast bars. I tell you, our breakfast bars and granola bars were life savers. After our quick breakfast and our little coffees, yes we had a couple each, we were ready to hit the road.
In our minds we knew it should be an easy day. After all we were suppose to be able to walk it yesterday, right? so just a few kilometers. As we made our way down the dirt road, I was once again thankful we had stopped. Those next 10 kilometers proved to have their challenges. After heading out of Lorca you are meet with a few ascent. Not huge, but steep in their own way.
The sun was shinning bright and once again the path had little shade to offer. I know it couldn't have been very warm temperature wise, but it felt quite warm. Occasionally we would get a cool breeze that would feel great. Sometimes I would just stop for a moment and let the breeze pass over me, just taking it all in.

As we continued into the city we came across a tourist office. We stopped and were able to get information on the buses for our ride back to Pamplona the following day. The nice lady also gave us a map of the town and directions to the bus station. We decided since it was early we would go and check where the station was. It was pretty easy to find. The station itself was in the old train station and next to the city center. There was a large square with lots of shops and cafes. We did notice a few cafes open and so we decided we should go ahead and get lunch while we could. After all we had time and we only had a few more kilometers to go for the day.
We order a sandwich and a couple of beers. We really didn't know what sort of sandwich we were getting we just sort of pointed. It turned out to be a hard roll with a Spanish omelet inside. I thought it was pretty good.
Then it was time to head back to the trail and look for the lodging for the night. I had seen a campsite that also had little cabins to rent at a decent rate. It was outside of Estella, i was told 3 km. I also read it was close to the wine fountain. I was looking forward to seeing this fountain that dispenses free wine along with water.
Sure enough a bit more down the road and we were at the wine fountain or Fuente del vino. We got our pictures taken and filled up one of the water bottle with some wine. Well only about half full. It was a nice break and by then I needed it. I was just losing steam fast that day.
Every kilometer felt like it was taking me forever to walk. Its funny how being tired makes things feel longer. In fact, my fitbit says that yes we did slow a bit our average was still around 25 minutes, to includes breaks.
We arrived at the Campsite and were able to check in right away. We were told there was a market for food and that the bar served food as well. So we were set for the night. Nice. We found our little cabin with its own little wc. There was a shared shower block right across the way. We did the clean up thing and then went to the little store to have a look around. We didn't see much that interested us and we figured we would get dinner at the bar. They had pizza and hamburgers on the menu and those sounded pretty good. So we got some beer, 7up like drink for me to make a shandy, and some chips.
We sat on our little front porch and just relaxed. Listened to some music, drinking our drinks and watching as the other pilgrims came by. I don't know why, but I was surprised to see how many others choose to stay there. But it was probably the same thoughts I had. It was right on the path, and it offered a little bit of peace and quiet. Also it being only 28 euro a night had to help a lot of budgets as well.
Soon we thought we should head over to get dinner. I was starting to get hungry and my stomach hurt. I just needed something more on it than chips and granola bars. So we went to the bar and asked for a burger. We were told that they only had a set menu that day. No other cooking. The bartender than put out the starters on the counter. There were an assortment of spanish food, most of which I did not recognize. I did notice there was the black ink octopus, I once wanted to try that. However at that moment my stomach started to act up and just looking at the food made me nauseous. So we thanked him and headed out to see if we could find something else. The little store was closed and there was no where else to eat. What to do, what to do. We headed back to the bar and I got an ice cream. At least it was something on my stomach. Then it was back to the cabin for another granola bar and some trail mix.
We settled in for the night. Tomorrow would be a big day with an early start.
Total km walked 14. I know it was suppose to be only 10 go figure.
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