Today the weather forecast called for a raining day. I did wonder for a bit if I should chance it and just walk, at least a short walk. I went ahead and took the chance and did a walk. Surprisingly I didn't get rained on much. Which is nice. Some might say its good training to walk in the rain. I suppose it is.
As I was walking a funny thought came to mind. I remember telling my daughters and others I am sure, that I didn't want to walk the Camino in spring or too late fall because I didn't want to have to walk with my winter coat, gloves, hats, and in the cold and in the rain. Funny thing is that is exactly what I have been doing with the training. Walking with gloves, mittens, winter hats and coats, three layers of clothes, you name it. So I guess it really doesn't matter much what time of year I go. Or perhaps I will just appreciate it more, the heat and the sun, when its hot and miserable. I can look back on these days and be thankful.
Todays walk was roughly 14km or 8 miles, without my pack. The temperature was between 2-3c or 30-35 f. Cold and rainy. Not a bad day.
I am in awe of your commitment and strength! Keep up the great work! I'm proud of you!