Thursday, April 25, 2019

A lapse of time....yet again.

It is hard to believe it was a year ago when I last wrote here.  For my readers, my apologies.  I was all ready to write and relay my story and then I wanted to get the ok from my sister to use her name.  Then I did not hear back and as so often in life, other things seemed to take priority. 

The year has been filled with a lot of ups and down. In June my daughter Audrey, her children and I moved from South Carolina to Texas, where my other daughter Jessie and her family are.  So as with any move we had the job of going through our things and downsizing.  The task reminded me a lot of packing for a Camino. What do we need, what can we live without.  With those items we could live with out we sold to help pay for the move.

Once moved we had the task of finding work and settling in.  Also in June shortly after we moved my sister Donna, the one I did the Camino with, yes I used her name, was hospitalized with diabetic complications. I rushed to Denver to be with her family during that time.  Thankfully she has recovered, but its been a long road.

Back in Texas I got a job and settled into that routing. My health seemed to take a turn for the worst. My leg seem to not want to work, making it hard to move and stand let alone walk. Then I realized resting them was no good either. With the not walking like I used to, my 3 miles a day, and not moving I put on weight.  So now with extra weight makes it harder to move, leading to depression, leading to....well you get the picture. Such a viscous circle.

I started to think of what I want to do with my life, where I want to go. With that came a look at a project I was working on last year, a Camino Journal, more on this later.  With my daughters help we began  to put the finishing touches on the journal. That sparked the fire in me once again to want to go back.   Funny thing the more positive I thought about the journal and a possible trip back, my body has been feeling better. It helps with the warmer weather as well. I am not able to move more with less pain.  All of this helps my spirit and brings my focus back to here.

I see now that when I lost my focus and my way.....things went downhill.  So now with the renewed hope the Easter season brings, I have renewed hope and faith for my continuing Camino journey.

More to come......soon this time.

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