Some may wonder why strength training is important or how it will help them. Well for starters if you plan on carrying a pack you will need to have a strong back, strong shoulders and back Not to mention strong legs to carry it all. Part of the training will be to walk with the pack at the weight you intend to carry, however prior to that having a good strong foundation is helpful.
There are many resources on line to help with strength training workouts especially for hiking and backpacking. Some I have come across are:
So for me its time to add some strength training to my workouts. My training has been on again off again over the years, so at least I don't feel like I am starting at square one this time. I was happy with myself when I began my lifting again and found I could lift the same weight as before and in some cases more. I went to the gym today and did my full body workout. I am sure I will be sore tomorrow, but for now I feel good and strong. I also walked a bit and rode the bike for 30 minutes.
So all in all a good day!
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