Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Toiletries 2017

shampoo/conditioner/body wash
toothbrush and toothpaste
hand sanitizer
emery board
chaffing stick/oil/cream
baby powder
Cotton swaps
Glass cleaner
Wet wipes

This year I am going to try the 3 in 1 Shampoo/Conditioner and body wash.  I am also doing to take body wash with aromatherapy in it for relaxation.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Prayer for the Camino

I came across some prayers for the Camino and thought I would share them with you, one at a time. I thought as I prepare physically and mentally for the journey I should prepare spiritually as well. 

A Pilgrim's Prayer to St. James
This is an ancient prayer that comes at the end of the Pilgrim Mass said along the Camino de

"O God, who brought your servant Abraham out of the land of the Chaldeans, protecting him in
his wanderings, who guided the Hebrew people across the desert, we ask that you watch over us,
your servants, as we walk in the love of your name to Santiago de Compostela.

Be for us our companion on the walk,Our guide at the crossroads,
Our breath in our weariness, Our protection in danger,
Our albergue on the Camino,
Our shade in the heat,
Our light in the darkness,
Our consolation in our discouragements,
And our strength in our intentions.

So that with your guidance we may arrive safe and sound at the end of the Road and enriched
with grace and virtue we return safely to our homes filled with joy.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Apostle Santiago, pray for us.

Santa Maria, pray for us."

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Slideshow of My Camino From St Jean Pied de Port to Estella.

First Aid Kit

Here is what is in my first aid kit.

Antibiotic ointment
Pain Reliever
Prescription Medicine
Blister treatment/needle & thread
safety pins
Body glide or vaseline
Pepto Bismol

This is the one place I believe we pack most of our fears in. We fear the pain and the blisters of the walk, and with good reason.  However these items are fairly easy to find along the way. Either in markets or shops. In fact there was even some vending machines outside pharmacies that had all those first aid needs. Pain meds, band-aids, ice packs the works.  So I say yes pack an initial supply but you don't have to over pack.

However the one thing I did not find in the markets was antacid or anything for upset stomach. Especially with my lack of Spanish.  That is why this time I will carry those things with me.

Included also is body glide or vaseline to help with chaffing or blisters.  I have found small plastic bags that work great for putting my medicine in. I put the prescription label on the outside. It is lighter and takes up less space than the whole bottle.

The choice of pain relief is a personal one. One that is anti inflammatory will be of great benefit.  There are also creams that can be used.

All of this packs into the case you see in the bottom right corner and weighs in at about 4 oz.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Packing Our Fears.....or packing list 2017

Often have I read or hear the notion of "packing our fears" when talking about what to take on the Camino.  This year I am revamping my packing list and doing my best not to "pack my fears" but rather to be more realistic and having faith that the Camino shall provide.

I have learned some from my prior two times walking.  The first time I had spent a great deal of time and effort making sure I had what I needed, only to have the pack not arrive for the Camino. That year I saw first hand how "the camino will provide".   The second year I thought I had everything I needed. This time I found what I truly needed and things I forgot to bring and needed. Simple things like Tums antacid.

So this year I will do my updated packing list and post the complete list and also breaking down the individual kits, such as first aid or toiletries, and include photos.

Even though I am only going to a week at a time I think the packing list could be used for longer walks. After all they are plenty of places to restock on supplies.

Packing List 2017


    walking shoes/hiking boots
    2 pairs of  trousers or leggings- I use convertible ones            
    1 pair of shorts or skirt for relaxing wear
    2 quick dry shirts-no cotton                                                        
    1 long-sleeve light-weight shirt                            
    3-4 pairs of socks (1 pair to sleep in)
    2 Bras- again quick dry/sport bras                                                 
    2-3 pairs of underwear                                  
     sleep wear- I use shorts & T-shirt                                                    
    1 fleece pullover                              
    1 pair of  gloves                                
     Light-weight rain poncho or water-proof rain jacket
    1 pair of light flip-flops for the shower-optional
    Cap or Sun hat
    Plastic backpack cover
    buff or scarf

      camino passport
      ID cards
     glasses- sun/reading
    Ear plugs
     journal & pen
     Small Guidebook -maps
     A few medium-sized safety pins
     flashlight/torch or use phone
Electronic Device- these are optional.
       charger and adapters
       Battery charger
       Fitbit watch and cords
       Kindle with charging cord- for guidebooks
       Noise canceling Ear buds and case -
        Camera or use phone

    shampoo and conditioner
    body soap                        
    toothpaste and toothbrush
    Sunscreen  lotion (doubles up as moisturizer too)
    Small roll-on deodorant-(buy more as you go)
    toilet paper
    Tiny hairbrush or comb
    Towel-quick dry
    Baby wipes/wet ones

First Aid Kit
     Needle and thread
    Antiseptic cream
    Duct-tape or medical tape
    personal meds
    Imodium or Pepto bismol

Sleeping bag or sheet/blanket-

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Strength Training

While training for walking the Camino most of us will start by walking. Walking is a good place to start, however  it is also important to add strength training.  Well to be honest strength training is important for us just in doing our everyday activities. Especially as we get older we need to keep our muscle mass to continue to be active. When many hear strength training they think weight training and that can be scary for some. However you need not be scared.

Some may wonder why strength training is important or how it will help them. Well for starters if you plan on carrying a pack you will need to have a strong back, strong shoulders and back Not to mention strong legs to carry it all. Part of the training will be to walk with the pack at the weight you intend to carry, however prior to that having a good strong foundation is helpful.

There are many resources on line to help with strength training workouts especially for hiking and backpacking.  Some I have come across are:

So for me its time to add some strength training to my workouts. My training has been on again off again over the years, so at least I don't feel like I am starting at square one this time. I was happy with myself when I began my lifting again and found I could lift the same weight as before and in some cases more.  I went to the gym today and did my full body workout. I am sure I will be sore tomorrow, but for now I feel good and strong.  I also walked a bit and rode the bike for 30 minutes.

So all in all a good day!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

5 weeks to this years Camino!

Five weeks from today I will head off to Spain to do the last 100km of Camino. So it is time for me to step up my training.

Today I did get out an walked about 8km's. The walk was good. The weather was decent as well. I am feeling more energized. My knees are doing much better today as well. I hate to admit that I was a bit apprehensive of this trip due to my knees giving me so much pain lately.  However now things seem to be getting better a little bit every day.

This week I intend to do more walking and to add some strength training and yoga. I will let you know how it goes.