Valentines Day was for our family started out early. We had decided to participate in the "i Love Chocolate 10K and Half Marathon" My son in law John and I were signed up for the half marathon and my grandson Jaden was singed up for the 10k, his first ever. We were up by 630 am and with a quick breakfast of cereal, we were out the door for a quick walk to the event site. The event was being held at the church just a mile down the road form our house. It was however a very cold morning. When we left the house it was 29 degrees. Burr. I had on gloves, and head band over my ears and by the time we got to the church it didn’t feel that cold. At least the sun was shining.
We arrived at the church as they were doing the warm up exercises. We found our way to the starting area and did some stretching on our own. There was 450 people signed up for the race. It was a good turn out. There was a lot of people but it didn't feel too crowded. The race was due to start at 800, but it started a little late. And then we were off. Jaden said he was just going to walk with us and not run. So we headed off. Then Jaden got bored with me and ran up to John, and then was bored with him as well and started to run.
I felt I had a good pace and didn’t want to start off too fast. But I also didn’t want to be last. Then I remembered that Jess , my daughter, had said it didn’t matter if I was last as long as I finished. So I tried to keep that in my mind. I was feeling good about being able to over take some people that started out fast and were slowing down. And then we can to mile 3 which is also the turn around for the 10k people. It was at this point I saw Jaden turn around and head back.As I approached the turn around point I saw the people all behind me turn around. They were all doing the 10k. I was at this point the last of the half marathon.
I should add here that for these events John and I were walking as opposed to running, which most of the people were doing.
I looked up and noticed a couple that was ahead of me. Probably around 1/4 of a mile. I set my sights out to overcome therm. And after around 2 miles I did! And i was making space between us. I was feeling pretty good with my self. I was no longer last.
The route first looked like it was a flat route on side streets around the neighborhood. However as we made our way around it became clear that those flat streets actually had slight inclines. I don't really want to call them hills, but the road when up slightly here and there. This was especially true coming back. I thought it was just me but John asked me about the hills after and said he felt it was hard to pick up his feet at that point as well.
I saw John on his way back at around mile 6 not far from the turn around point. Its funny when you are out there on your own what your mind can start tell you. There was a moment in time that I wondered if I could turn around before the turn around and no one would notice. I decided that was a silly idea. Not only would that only be cheating myself I knew that the staff people knew i was close to the end. So I continued on. I was happy to see the turn around point. It always gives me a mental boost to know I am half way done and on the way back.
Then it happened. At around mile 9 the pain in my hips began and I felt it harder and harder to walk. My thighs started to feel heavy. I felt myself slowing down. Then around mile 10 the couple over took me and I was again in last place. Part of me wanted to stop and stretch or rest, but I knew I had to keep walking. After all there was just 3 miles left.
The people putting on the event were really nice. When we came by for water they stations were all still open and they were cheering us on. That made me feel better, at least mental. I always worry about other people and I know I have to stop doing that. You know things like I know they want to be done and go home and such. But these people didn’t look like they minded at all. Even the guy on the bike who was keeping track of us, was very supportive and at the lake area, His words of encouragement helped. Especially when i came out of the lake loop and he said only 3/4 of a mile to go.
When I made it nearly to the finish John and Jaden were there waiting for me and walked with me the rest of the way in.By this time i was feeling down right sick to my stomach. I was shaking and feeling all hot. My hips hurt so bad I thought i would cry at any moment. Then I saw the people at the finish line and they came out to meet me and hand me my medal and then go out of their way to get me some water and make sure i was alright.
I guess i looked pretty bad. We were going to take pictures of us at the finish line, but I was more concerned about getting bananas and water and we missed the opportunity.
There was a chair by a table with a bakery stand. I was able to sit there while i replenished my energy. Jaden went and got me fruit. Then the lady handed Jaden a cupcake. It looked so good. She then gave me one saying i need to replenish my energy. She also gave John some brownies. The lady said I came in at the perfect time because I got all these freebies. They all made me feel that it was the finishing that mattered. That made me feel better.
John offered to go get the car, but I said I would walk home if we took it slow. I knew he was hurting too. Our mile home must have taken us a half hour or so. I kept having to stop and stretch and drink water. We did finally make it home.
I rested a bit and then showered. its a good thing we had left overs from last nights dinner to eat, because none of us wanted to go anywhere or cook anything. I spent the afternoon, resting with my feet up and re hydrating. I must say I am happy to report that I have only one blister as far as i can tell. So that's not too bad.
As we were resting i received the email saying the results where posted. I really didn’t have any idea of my time. I had my phone with an app for walking but it didn't start on time. So when I saw that my time was as good if not better than some of my other races, i was happy! i did do my best and that is what matters most. I now think being last isn’t bad at all.
My friend asked me about my walk and then mentioned that at least the camino is not a race. Its funny what sort of things go through your mind when you are walking, one your own, for hours at a time. The half marathon was 3 and a half hours for me. Which give one a lot of time to think. Some of the things I find going through my mind will be first the practice stuff. Where am I in relation to the rest of the race field, do i have a good pace. Then as the time passes I might think about the things I have to do when I get home. Usually around mile 8 I will start to dream about food and what i want to eat. Then around mile 10 i don't want to think about food anymore. Odd really. However on this walk I found myself thinking about what it might be like on the camino. How on the camino I hope I will be able to let my mind be open to the experience and not get caught up in the logistics of it all.
As for my Camino journey it is important to remember that it is not a race. That we can take our time and breaks when we need to. To let our minds be open to the beauty around us and not get caught up in our heads. No matter how sore I am after this half marathon I won’t let my pains discourage me from our trip.
15 weeks and counting!
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