Monday, August 15, 2016

Planning a mini camino

A mini camino? What is a mini camino. Well for the most part all my camino's so far have been mini since I have only done a week at a time. However what I am planning now is even smaller.

My daughter has agreed to join me in a walk of a couple days here and there. Training walks really, but still on Jakobsweg path.  I spent a good deal of time looking at both Nuremberg and Regansburg as start points.  Last year I did a bit from Regansburg to Keliem.  Jessie says I need to do that bit again since I was suppose to be getting to Weltenburg.  So I believe that is the first path we will take. It looks to be around 27 km. Then we will stay overnight and do another days walk.  So two days back to back of 25-30km.  Good training.

We hope to do it this fall. Well I hope to do it this fall. We have to first get better health wise. I am starting to feel more strong and able to walk longer again. I did do 6 km today and felt I could do more.  Jessie however is still recovering from her 68 mile walk and nursing blister feet and toe nail issues.  So once she can walk long distances again we will plan more.

I am looking forward to it. I think it will be a good time. I shall keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

6 km

Today I did 6 km.  At first I was really tired today and it was raining, so I put off the walk.  After awhile the sun came out and I felt I could give it a shot. So off I went. The 6 km wasn't bad at all. In fact I did it in just over an hour, an hour and fifteen minutes. However today was not about the time, it was just about the distance. To get back to where I was.

If nothing else todays walk helped me mentally. Help me feel good about myself and my abilities.
I look forward to more good days ahead.

I am a third of the way done with my treatment. Things are looking up!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to walking and planning

Well since I last wrote I had a bit of an off week or so.  However I am now starting to feel better and stronger.  My head is more clear and I feel I can write again.  Yeah!

In the past few days I have been able to get out and about doing stuff and feeling okay doing it.  On Friday it was a fest here in town.  Sunday we went to the pool and I swam laps and relaxed it the sauna.  That helped rejuvenate me. So when I woke early this morning, Monday, I decided to go ahead and get a walk done.  I did 5k in less time than I did last time out.  I know I am suppose to be bumping it up this week,  and last week, but I decided to start with 5 today. Tomorrow maybe I will do 6 and see how I feel.  Slow and steady is better than fast and then sick.

I am also ready to start to look again at my Camino plan and packing list. To revamp what I will take for next time and my budget and walking plan.  I think I may go in colder weather.  I know I have been resistant to the idea but looking back at all the training I did last year in winter I can't see a reason not to give it a go.  Especially since the section I will be doing is on the flatter area and really not much chance of snow being an issue.  But even if it was I am no longer afraid of it. With good planning and training I know we will get to a dry and warm place each night and if we are lucky a place for lunch and coffee.

So here is to a better day and a better week! Here is to planning and dreaming!